Baitullah Project Part 1
Table of Contents
Video of Baitullah
What is Baitullah?
بيت الله سوں ؛؟
بيت الله اتنسس خدا نو گهر، كعبة بهي كهوائي.
بيت الله ني مسجد نو نام مسجد الحرام چهسس.
بيت الله مكة المكرمة ما چهسس.
بيت الله گهني مبارك جگه چهسس، يهاطط نماز ثثرهواما ايك لاكهـ (one hundred-thousand) نماز نو ثواب چهسس.
بيت الله هر مسلم انسس مؤمن نا واسطسس نماز نا قبلة چهسس، دنيا ما جهاں بهي هوئي تو يه بيت الله ني طرف متوجه (face) تهئي نسس نماز ثثرهسس انسس سجدة كرسس.
بيت الله ما هر مسلم انسس مؤمن حج انسس عمرة كروانسس آوسس چهسس.
Where is Baitullah?
This map shows the location of Mecca, where Baitullah is located. Mecca is in Saudi Arabia.
Main Features of Baitullah
بيت الله cube نا shape ما چهسس. اهنا ححو طرف كالا پردا چهسس
Click here to download printable version
زمزم نو كوؤ:
زمزم نو كوؤ (well) ما سي اثثنسس ثثاني ثثيسس ححهسس بركة نا واسطسس.
اْ بيت الله نا ثثرده ححهسس.
مقام ابراهيم:
مقام ابراهيم وه جككه ححهسس جهاطط ابراهيم نبي كهرا رهي نسس بيت الله بنايا.
حجر اسود:
حجر اسود، يعني كالا ثثتهر، جنة سي اْيا ححهسس. جيوارسس ابراهيم نبي يه بيت الله بنايا تيوارسس جبرئيل حجر اسود نسس آسمان سي لئي نسس آيا. اثثنسس حج كروا جيسس ححهسس تو حجر اسود نسس ححومبيسس ححهسس بركة نا واسطسس. اْ photograph ما وه جككه جوائي ؛ جه نا اندر موطط ناكهي نسس حجر اسود نسس ححومبيسس ؛.
اْ photograph ما سيدنا محمد برهان الدين رض انسس سيدنا خزيمة قطب الدين رض حجر اسود نا نزديك ؛.
How Was Baitullah Made?
بيت الله كيم بنا؟
شرو ع ما خدا يه ملائكة نسس فرمايو كه زمين ما بيت الله بناؤ، جهاطط سككلا اْوي نسس طواف دسس، تو اهنا ككناهو معاف تهائي انسس خدا اهنا سي خوش تهائي.
نوح عليه اسلام نا زمان ما طوفان آيو تو خدا تع يه بيت الله نسس آسمان ما رفع كري ديدا.
خدا يه ابراهيم عليه السلام نسس فرمايو كه مكة ما آپ نا فرزند اسمعيل نسس وساؤ، انسس ايم فرمايو كه تميطط بيت الله بناؤ. تو ابراهيم نبي انسس آپنا فرزند اسمعيل، جه اْثثنا وصي بهي تها، يه بيت الله بنايا.
جبرئيل حجر اسود آسمان سي لئي نسس آيا انسس ابراهيم نبي يه اهني جگه ما جري ديدا.
زمزم نو كوه بهي ابراهيم انسس اسمعيل نا زمان ما نكلو.
خدا يه ابراهيم نسس فرمايو كه سككلا لوككو نسس كهو كه بيت الله ما اْوسس انسس طواف دسس.
هاشم نبي نو هشمه:
هاشم نبي رسول الله نا great-grand father ححهسس.
لوگو حج واسطسس بيت الله ما آوتا تها، تو هاشم نبي نا زمان ما آپ بيت الله نا حُجّاج نسس هشمه جمارتا تها.
Materials for your project
Guidelines and Ideas
Guidelines for Parents and Teachers
This is Part 1 of the Baitullah project. In the coming months we will be presenting further parts of this project in which we will aim to cover an overall understanding of Baitullah.
We advise using a large A3 sketchbook, which will help keep all the components of the project in one place.
This project is meant to be a fun and creative activity for the student, where they can present what they have learnt using their imagination. Making this project will help them to grasp and understand the concepts in an enjoyable and creative manner.
To make this project successful and reach its full potential, it is imperative for the parent to guide the student along the way in order to make sure that the student understands the main concepts correctly. Emphasis should be put on the main points so the student retains those concepts. The details help their understanding of the main points, but are secondary. After making this project the child should come out having a wholesome understanding about Baitullah.
Aim of this project, Part 1:
The main aim of this project is so students ne azamat paida thai Baitullah ni ane awliya kiraam ni, and that they learn the history behind Baitullah and its main features.
Where to start:
Student watches the video on the website, then does the worksheet provided to assess understanding of the concepts.
Student starts by making a first representation of Baitullah, this can be drawn out or made into a 3d model.
There is a cube template provided that the student can make and paint over.
Using many different ways of drawing, illustration or sticking of the pictures provided in the transcript the student presents the three different parts of the Baitullah project part 1.
Guidelines for Students
First watch the Baitullah Project - Part 1 video and do the worksheet.
Then you can get to the fun part of actually making the project.
Where to start
You are trying to answer these three questions in your own way. If someone looks at your project they will know:
بيت الله سوں چهسس؟
بيت الله نا سوں چهسس؟ main features
بيت الله كيم بنا؟
Be creative, use colours, cut outs, different materials, pop ups and anything that will add to the project.
Some ideas:
Draw out Baitullah, label the main features
Draw the main features individually and label them
Choose one zikr of Baitullah kem bana and illustrate it
Make a 3d model of Baitullah using a cube shaped cardboard box and paint it then add the main features
Print out the cube template provided here, make the cube shape and then colour it and decorate it with golden glitter.
Print out the coloring pages and stick them in your project book and color and label them.
After finishing your project, you may send it to us at We may display your project on our website!
If you have any questions on the material published please email us at