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Significance of Ta'qeeb Doas

In the Quran Allah Ta’ala says, “call me, I will answer you.” There are certain times that are considered more auspicious for doa. For example, the time immediately following namaaz is one of the times when Allah Ta’ala especially hears a Mumin’s doas. According to our Imam, one who prays doa immediately following compulsory (farizat) namaaz earns even more reward than one who spends the same amount of time in praying the non-obligatory (nafilat) namaz.

Therefore, our Mawali Tahereen have set the precedent that Mumineen must always pray certain doas after farizat namaaz. First we pray Doa e Ta’qeeb, in which we dotawheed of Allah and pray salaam on his Ambiya Awliya, and beseech Him to accept our namaaz.

Next we pray Doa e Taqarrub. Allah says in the Quran, “O you who believe, fear Allah and seek ways to achieve nearness to him.” In the Doa e Taqarrub we seek nearness to Allah by taking the names and wasila of His beloved Awliya – the Panjetan Paak and Imams.

After Doa e Taqarrub, we pray Doa e Dai al Asr, in which we pray for the long life of the waaris of all the Dais, the na’ib of Imamuz zamaan Tayyeb Imam, the Dai of our age, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS, and we pray for his nasr e aziz and fateh mubin.

Then we do Tasbih e Fatema, the tasbih that our prophet Mohammed Rasulullah SA had shown to Maulatuna Fatema AS.

By praying these doas after every namaaz we build our hasanaat and increase our bounties for the Hereafter.

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